Legend concerning the deaths of Pope Clement V and King Philip the Fair, according to Nicholas Guertler (Latin text included):
“The initiators of the Templars’ destruction, the Pope of Avignon and the King of France, did not outlive them by much. As a matter of fact, Clement V concluded his last day on the 12th day before the Calends of May, 1314, the eighth year and tenth month of his pontificate, afflicted with various illnesses, after suffering from dysentery and pain in his sides. Philip the Fair also did not have a long road ahead of him after this, and his son Louis X was anointed with holy oil by the archbishop of Reims on the feast day of St. Steven, the first martyr, of that very year. Fuglosus reports (see Wirth and Wolf) that a certain Templar, Neapolitan by birth, who was condemned to be burned at the stake in Bordeaux, screamed out in loud voice, while the Pope and King Philip were seen in the window: Clement, ruthless tyrant, I don’t have anyone left among mortals for me to appeal to on account of my grievous death that you have caused through injustice. I call upon Christ, the just judge, who redeems me, and summon you to His tribunal, along with King Philip, so that within one year and one day both of you appear there. There I will plead my case, and uncorrupted justice will be administered to each one. And within this period of time both Clement and the King died. As far as I am concerned, there is not enough to either confirm or deny this story. However, I see that Drexelius, a Jesuit father, both believed this story and took it so close to his heart that in “On the judgment of Christ” (book 2, chapter 3) he exclaims: Who would deny that there is some congeniality and divine intervention in this matter, as ordained by the Supreme Will?”
Excidio Templariorum non diu supervixere ejus auctores, Papa Avenionensis et Galliarum Rex. Etenim Clemens V. ad XII. Calend. Majas anno. Ae.V. 1314. Potificatus autem octavo, mense decimo, variis diu aegritudinibus afflictatus, post dysenteria, et stomachi laterumque dolore confectus diem clausit extremum. Philippus autem pulcher non diu post eandem ivit viam; nam ejus Filius Ludovicus X die S. Stephani primi Martyris, dicto anno, a Remensi Archi-Episcopo est sacro oleo inunctus. Refert Fulgosus apud Hospian. et Wolf. Templarium quendam, gente Neapolitanum, in urbe Burdegala ad ignem damnatum, conspectis ad fenestram Pontifice ac Philippo Rege, magna voce in haec verba prorupisse: Saevissime Clemens Tyranne, posteaquam mihi inter mortales nullus jam superest ad quem appellem pro gravi morte, qua me per injuriam assicis, ad justum judicem Christum, qui me redemit, appello, ante cujus tribunal te voco, una cum Philippo Rege, ut intra annum diemque ambo illic compareatis, ubi caussam meam exponam, et jus sine pravo affectu ullo administrabitur. Intra id quoque tempus Clementem ac Regem mortuos. Equidem quo historiam aut confirmem aut refellam, mihi non suppetit; video tamen Drexelium Societatis Jesu Patrem et credidisse, et cordi adeo habuisse, ut l. 2. de tribun. Christ. c. 3. exclamarit: Quis neget, geniale aliquid, et divinum hic intervenisse, supremo Numine consciscente?
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